Browsealoud is a screen reader developed for people who may find it difficult to read text online or for those who may have literacy problems and/or learning disabilities such as dyslexia. It is also a beneficial tool for those for whom English is a second language and may have trouble reading. Browsealoud allows you to "listen" to the contents of the web page you are viewing.»Download the latest version of Browsealoud.
Texthelp provides literacy software solutions for individuals, pupils, higher education students, employees and publishers. Our goal is to support all readers and writers – from young students, to those in higher education and in the workplace – to succeed with independence and ease.
RealPlayer can be used to view video and listen to audio. Players are available for several operating systems and platforms.»Download the latest version of RealPlayer.
VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.»Download the latest version of VLC Media Player.