beyond suffering

Beyond Suffering for the next generation

a study guide

Excerpts used with permission from Beyond Suffering For the Next Generation Study Guide (c) 2015 All Right Reserved  by Joni & Friends Inc.

Upon meeting Shaw Bates, it may not be immediately obvious that he has a disability. He has what is called a “hidden disability”—in his case, a learning disability. What will become readily apparent is that Shaw has a passion for ministering to people affected by disabilities, and that he is deeply committed to seeking and fulfilling God’s plan for his own life. He finds comfort and encouragement from the biblical example of Moses, through whom God worked mightily despite Moses’ speech impediment. If God could powerfully use Moses, Shaw reasons, then he can use me too—learning disability and all.


When I was 5 years old, my parents took me back to San Diego Regional Center to get tested by doctors. Due to my delay in development of major and minor motor skills, I was already seeing a speech and occupational therapist and crawling around on a scooter. The doctors would put peanut butter on my upper lip so I had to lick it off. When they had me draw stick figures with my right hand, I drew them big and right side up. But with my left hand, I drew the stick figures upside down and very small. The doctors and my parents were amazed and scratching their heads because of how I drew the stick figures. The doctors said that I could not learn and that there was no hope for me to ever learn. I even had teachers tell me that I could not learn. Besides my disabilities, another painful part of my early childhood occurred when my parents got a divorce. 

Shaw Bates has a goal - To help people with disabilities to live independent and successful lives."I will create an educational work shop to inform the community about the challenges that people with disabilities face in college and the work place, and potential solutions." Shaw is hosting a Toastmaster conference titled "Overcoming with a Disability". Please see the invitation below.